Phone doodle/reminder


17.06.2022 00:48
LinkOh but Rosie
It’s too late
You already broke another

17.06.2022 00:51
LinkNo I
I can still fix it- 😢

17.06.2022 00:54
LinkNo no it’s too late Rosie
You broke my heart!
You’re such a heartbreaker- 😭😭😭

17.06.2022 01:00
LinkNo Jericho I would never commit such a sin- We just
Need ductapeitd and gorikka glue,,

17.06.2022 01:00
LinkI mistyped these small buttons I-

17.06.2022 01:04
You can’t fix my heart with duct tape and glue- you
You have to kiss it better

17.06.2022 01:14
LinkFair enough Bee, would you entrust your heart to me one last time to repair what I've broken?

17.06.2022 01:20
LinkI suppose so- but if it crumbles to dust by your hand you’ll never be forgiven

17.06.2022 01:32
LinkDo what you must, I'd rather not hurt it again no matter what my intentions are.
Oh, right and- -insert me giving your heart kisses- done and done—
Comment removed

Yeah, it is pretty good ngl, once u try it you can't stop eating it ^^' specially the Esquite, that is also good too you add the same stuff but you just have to add the water you put in the Elotes and its the same stuff mayo, cheese, etc..
than you mix it up well, and it tastes really good
Anyways now i gotta head to work, once I get paid and wait on monday for the lady outside of school, Imma be better and will buy my own elote, or my Esquite😋