{jet jaguar}
18.08.2021 02:59
LinkIs that french?
18.08.2021 04:44
19.08.2021 04:33
Linkcharacter from godzilla vs megalon 1973
19.08.2021 04:35
Link(in japanese) ジェットジャガー
19.08.2021 04:57
Link(storyline of godzilla vs megalon.)
In the year of 1970 X japanese scientists bombed a small island in the pasific ocean. The effects the explosion were widespread even on far away monster island. Angerus fell into a fissure as godzilla saw a huge explosion! Three months later a inventor goro ibuki and his two friends
shikanshi and rokero were enjoying a nice picnic at the lake rokero was
on a toy fish boat. it was all fine until there was a earthquake soon
after that a strange light appeared in the water goro called rokero back
but the lake was draining! goro fired a grappler rocket at the boat
they dragged it back to the shore were they ran to the tall grass!
they could only watch in horror as the boat sunk in the water!
as they drove home they heard a news report about the earthquake.
when they got home they saw there home was raided! it was a mess
suddenly two men came out and attacked them! shikanshi pulled a red button of one of the men. he got rokero and goro back on there feet.
19.08.2021 05:03
LinkShikanshi chased after the two men in his car one of the strange men threw a
fire bomb onto the road to stop shikanshi from following them. as goro and
rokero were cleaning up the mess rokero found a weird sand next to the robot when shikanshi returned they found out that the sand was the same color as the button! after tests were made goro made the finishing touches
the robot goro decided to call him jet jaguar!
20.08.2021 00:47
Linkthe two strange men had placed a bug in the house and they overheard them
talking. they also captured rokero and sent back to the house to get inside goro and shikanshi tried to fight back but the men's guns shot a sleep spray at them. after that one of the men told their leader they
captured jet jaguar, goro and his friends. the two strange men were really
from a under sea kingdom called seatopia the king announced that their
kingdom would go to war with the earth people with their giant god monster
megalon! their plan was to use jet jaguar to guide megalon to every target! goro and rokero woke up and found themselves inside a huge metal
box! one of the seatopion spies was bribing two guy's to delivering
goro and rokero to kohichi dam!
20.08.2021 01:00
Linkjet jaguar flew to the recently drained lake awaiting the arrival of megalon! shikanshi also woke up and questioned the seatopian spy about were his friends were. the spy then told him that their whole plan was to build an army of jet jaguar's! he soon broke free and knocked the spy out
andm ran to his car to rescue his friends! the spy got up and told the others to stop him!
20.08.2021 01:02
Linkafter a quick chase shikanshi was on his way to kohichi dam!
20.08.2021 01:29
Linkmegalon rose up from the crack in the lake and jet jaguar proceeded to guide
megalon to tokyo city shikanshi had made it to kohichi dam the two guy's
from earlier had throne the spy out of the truck and they ran away also stealing shikanshi's car as well megalon arrived at the dam also destroyed it to shikanshi tried to stop megalon from getting to the box but accidently dropt it! fortunately in got wacked by megalon into a grass field.