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12.09.2020 01:27
Linkso today I had one of the worst days of my life so far...
I went to the hospital because I had lots of signs of covid
I have been alone unable to talk to any of my family
my phone charger broke along with my pen for my drawing tablet
then I tried to have an ok night, so I started reading a comic on my phone
but It stoped working (it wouldn't turn off or let me go to the home page)
then out of rage I threw my phone and it landed on a pile of dolls that my sister was playing with
and I picked it up and the screen was completely destroyed
when I tried to tell my mom
she made me feel like garbage about it and said this was all my fault
so I did the only thing there was to do...
I tried to cry myself to sleep
but... that didn't work
also lately I have been missing some of my friends because I moved 2 hours away
I just have been having a really bad day