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Passion project test
06.04.2023 01:59
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The royal advisor was babbling about something but Duskglow was paying him no mind, only snapping out of her daydream-y daze when he slammed his primary hands on the grainy, redwood desk. She’d never admit it but he had scared her good. “T’is is quite impartant yer grace. A yaung lady like yerself need ta learn t’e prapa ways o’ bein’ crown.” He scolded in his stupidly high, oily voice. Duskglow nodded, annoyed by being snapped back to reality and having to listen to her father’s advisor’s dumb voice again. Her antennae lowered, pinned against the back of her head bitterly. “Like you haven’t told me twenty hundred times over! Yell at me all you want you dull pile of crow droppings, I get it! Nobody said I wanted to be next crown, besides, Dawn actually wants to and she’s the older heir!” Duskglow snapped at the older Vixxom. Duskglow had always hated her father’s advisor, him, his oily voice, that unkempt amber fur that always seemed either greasy or matted. All of it! He groaned hearing that, it’s wh
06.04.2023 01:59
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at she always said. The youngest of his majesty’s heirs was the most difficult. Why she was so difficult and stubborn, was anyone’s guess, at least if you asked Haybale. He always thought it was partially due to the heir’s late mother. “Yaung crown! T’at is no way ta speak ta memba on council. Yer ganna learn respect one o’ t’ese days ye foul tangued maggot!” Haybale glared at Duskglow, who’d gladly returned his bitter gaze. Duskglow got up, flickering a soft glow at the older, amber-furred Vixxom. He gaped at her as she walked out, storming off to her room. Duskglow was going to sneak out using the loose bricks nobody knew about. She wanted to see the nice commoner she’d met at the last festival. Jadebite was his name. Duskglow didn’t know exactly what Jadebite did for coin but she did know he weaved. And he weaved wonderfully! She loved seeing his weavings and creations.
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