Alien Demon hunter
An entire scene from Felidae
yawning dragon, cuz why not
?Cute Kitty?
~A Lazy Sunset Flight~
Decorate the tree! (Contest)
10.12.2019 20:16
LinkOkay, so this is a pretty simple contest! All you have to do is decorate the tree (draw ornaments on the tree). If you want you can add a topper, lights, garland, presents, or even a background! Please try not to straight up copy someone else’s. It’s kinda hard to tell what’s “copying” for this contest, but just try your best to be original! Due date is December 20. Good luck!
The link for the tree!
10.12.2019 21:38
LinkIm joining but can I feature a contest im doing?
10.12.2019 22:08
Linkhere is mine
11.12.2019 03:08
LinkDepends on the deadline, if it's after/on thursday I will do it. I'm busy tomorrow though!
11.12.2019 03:23
LinkJust realized I forgot to put prizes!
First place: 30 likes, follow, fanart
Second place: 25 likes, follow, less detailed fanart
Thrid place: 20 likes, follow, simple fanart
Fourth place: 15 likes, follow
Fifth place: 10 likes
Participation award: 5 likes
If I am already following someone who wins I will give 5 extra likes!