Happybday thelaughingpandaxo
What's happening
i love this
111+ animation
Chibi America- Hetalia
had one again
24.02.2018 19:21
LinkSo this time my dream uh it was like super long, I was in a empty circus I start walking around and it's night time in this dream, I go over to the carnaval games trying to throw a ball, the game soon says "HIT OR MISS" I threw the ball and it slowed down finally hitting me back in the head I land onto the ground which hurt, I turn my head to the side and see my friends, I see them walking around and they don't even notice me, I try running towards them but nothing, NOTHING happened, I couldn't move at all I was still in the empty circus, except it was more empty due to my friends leaving and not seeing me, my head hurts just trying to remember everything
24.02.2018 19:24
Linkw h y a r e a l l m y d r e a m s s o f u c k i n g s t r e s s f u l
24.02.2018 19:26