things i have learned so far
26.11.2019 17:05
Linkon this site
26.11.2019 17:07
Link1.if you put @Fa and or Flipanim or his real name he will never come(lol on my part did that once and it actually worked but lookin into the past he never came all the lonely people were they go)
2.trends ya know its like 2015 then dips to 2020 then down to like 2012
3.people on this site are mostly nice if you treat them with respect and dont spam(that goes for advertisers like me and or other people)
4.Humor on Here is FUNNY AF
26.11.2019 17:10
Link5. no one not a single soul has drawn a buff omeger and icon lifting weights together
26.11.2019 17:10
Link6. also if you spam FA takes like 2 days to figure out you spamed which sound like a youtube problem but ok gen x's
26.11.2019 17:11
Link7.worms and snails CAN live together