Willow: and when there’s a chance you can get fired because she did something to upset someone because you’re trying to work, well, that’s not my fault either
He nodded and led her to what looked like a backyard with a small park like area, near the back
Rolling around in t he glass was a little boy and a girl a bit bigger, wrestling
And another boy was sitting in the grass playing with a toy dino
She nodded then looked up at Maru. "Can I get uncle Kai's gun?"
He shook his head and leaned down, "But ill tell you what, tomorrow just me and you can go to the store and get you a nerd gun of your choice hm? Sound good?"
She nodded quickly
Alec snorted, "Mary says that sharing is for babies-"
Matt purred, "And she's always right-"
She smiled proudly in the background at her little brothers