Lemme type
30.11.2020 00:59
LinkOkie, so all you need to do, is either draw Mr. Meep Man, or draw you as Mr. meep man, and set it as your Profile Picture...Make sure to attend to the meep meetings, If you can’t attend the Meep Meetings, then that’s okay, And I guess if you don’t want to attend the meetings, then you don’t HAVE to, I won’t force you, I mean...unless it’s really important...then you have to. No being rude, don’t hate, don’t be mean to anyone, and don’t bully. Other than that, Have a wonderful time being a Meep Clan Member! :D
Here is the meep meeting link; https://app.kosmi.io/room/oqqwwj
30.11.2020 01:01
Linkyay! meep clan!
30.11.2020 01:49
LinkI cant atend those tho
30.11.2020 03:26
LinkOkie! That’s fine!