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have my incomplete short story
06.03.2020 08:12
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Children’s cries could be heard through the night, competing with the air sirens that blared throughout the small town. Parents where cradling their loved ones, praying to last another cold, fear-filled night. Little did these poor people know that there was no air raid, but instead German soldiers and tanks where entering their town. There were no survivors that night. Abel gritted his teeth, wrinkling his nose as he trudged through the muddy ground. Is this really what boys like him faked their age for? No. They thought about the glory of serving their country, not of all the sacrifices that they had to make. He thought about the letter he had just written, telling his younger brother Gilbert about how well their army was doing. The thought of Gilbert sent a chill down his spine, chilling him down to his core. Poor, sweet Gilbert. He wanted to join the army so bad, but then Abel joined for him, in order to protect his younger brother.
06.03.2020 08:12
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A loud crack caught his attention ahead of him, startling him. A loud shout in German and then silence. He choked back a sob but kept walking. Walking was all he did so far. Sometimes they stopped by a village, got supplies, shoot some supposed Jews. He blinked back tears at the memories of children running from them, like they were the bad guys, not the British or the French. Memories where a tricky thing, always getting in the way of duty. They could randomly just come and make you curl into a ball and sob. Every night Abel could barely sleep without seeing the faces of the dead bodies littering the fields around villages. He knew he was being weak, but feelings didn’t stop for anyone. Oh, how he wished he was home! He felt safe there, he felt like a good person there. ‘Lieutenant Anschutz!’ A sharp sounding bark in German caught his attention. It was General Schmidt, looking as scary and battle-scarred as ever.
06.03.2020 08:12
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‘Yes, Sir?’ Abel responded, flinching at the sharp tone of his general’s voice. General Schmidt pushed a man down onto his knees, gesturing to Abel. Abel looked at the man in horror. His eyes where bloodshot and dull, his hair long and mattered. Abel could count all his ribs just by looking at him. There was no way this man was a military person, despite his German uniform. ‘This man, this traitor, needs to be taught about the consequences of deviating.’ The man flinched at the word ‘traitor’. ‘Kill him, Lieutenant. Show your loyalty to us.’ Abel flinched and grabbed his gun, though he couldn’t stop his hands from trembling. He slowly lowered his Lugermorph down to the traitors head and whispered ‘I’m so sorry…’ and pulled the trigger.
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