07.04.2023 13:13
LinkI would like to know why you broke up with me, what I did wrong, and what I can do to fix it for future relationships. And honestly, You not telling me right off the bat was a real jerk move. I feel sorry for any other girls, guys, or nonbinary pals that date you because I don't want them to feel like they are the bad guy. So really. Be honest. Because I will be able to tell if you're lying, Why did you break up with me? This can be the last time we ever talk for all I care, I'm so over you. You're a great person, but a terrible Boyfriend( or ex in this case.) But just one request is all I ask. And yes, I will admit it, I wasn't the best girlfriend either. Oh, I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you over the summer. I'm sorry I wanted to know what was going on. Im sorry That I never saw that you're not even worth the calories I burn, talking to you.