scary facts about dreams
11.04.2021 18:33
Linkfact le 1.
some people wake up to find that they cant move their body
fact 2 UwU.
sometimes people have a disorder where they act out their dreams while sleeping
(wich you probably know it means sleepwaling but as a disorder or something)
fact tress.
your paralized when you sleep
fact 4 :V.
you can sleep an entire night with your eyes open and feel as if u where sleeping normaly
fact sinco.
its possible to stop breathing for multiple minuets while you're asleep, and not even know it
fact six :D.
there are people who actually have "somniphobia" wich means they're afraid of sleep
fact seven U<U.
that intense feeling of falling right as you've gone to sleep is called a hypnic jerk, and no one knows exactly why they happen
andddd fact 8 OwO.
On average, people can lose up to an hour per night if they go to bed with their phone in the room
facttttt 9.
There are a ton of things that could be contributing to how much you snore, such as sleeping on your back, menopa
11.04.2021 18:33
11.04.2021 18:34
Linkoop it cut off-
11.04.2021 18:47
Link(imma just continue what it said)
menopause, and having soft neck tissue (if u know what it is)
le fact ten.
MRI and PET scans show that some parts of your brain are active during REM sleep than when awake :D
fact 11 thousand :V
Around 0.5 to 1.5% of the population is made up of naturally short sleepers, meaning they only need four to five hours of sleep to feel rested
fact eh- 12.
exploding head syndrome :D if the name itself doesn't startle you the symptoms will. exploding head syndrome is named for the loud abrasive noise suffers to the disorder expirince just they're drifting off to sleep. according to the American sleep association, the sound is typically described as that of cymbals clashing or a bomb detonating and, at its worst, its accompanied by shortness of breath and elevated heart rate,
fact 13? wait did i say that twice- anyways-.
coma nightmares- ;w; imma feel so bad telling you this but- coma nightmares are something where u have a coma during a nightmare and as
11.04.2021 18:48
Link(it cut off again)
-and as long as you are in the coma you cant wake up from your nightmare :D
have fun remembering this every night :D
11.04.2021 18:49
Linkand the scariest thing is that comas can last up to a year or decade UwU
11.04.2021 18:49