TOSOP au wings of fire M.A.P


07.05.2020 11:04
-dont trace or use bases
-follow the rules, scrip and designs
-you dont have to get the colour of the designs perfectly, I just want them to be similar
-dont fight over the parts
-it is PMV/AMV map you choose
-thumbnail contest will be opened after all the parts are taken
-you have 2 weeks to finish your part
-after a week show me the wip
-if you need extension plz upload another wip after your part is due
-if you read the rules tell me your favorite design

07.05.2020 11:04
Intro (8 sec)
Peacemaker is sleeping next to Hope.
Part 1(8 sec)
Peacemaker is playing in the rainforest with other dragonets. Hope is watching him.
Part 2(8 sec)
Hope calls Peacemaker and talkes to him.
Part 3(7 sec)
Peacemaker is older and enters the Jade moutain academy. There are a lot of diffrent dragons there.
Part 4(8 sec)
"When I was young and stupid my love
Left to be a rock and roll star"
Peacemaker meets his clawmate Cliff. Peacemake tries to start a talk with him, but Cliff just pretends to be sleeping.
Part 5(8 sec)
"He told me please don't worry
Wise little smile that spoke so safely"
Cliff finaly decides to listen to Peacemaker. Peacemaker tells him that they should look around the academy.
Part 6(7 sec)
"He booked a one way ticket
Out west that's where they'd make it"
They walk pass the libary and other classes.

07.05.2020 11:05
LinkPart 7(8 sec)
"Six kids stuck in a bedsit
To sunswept poolside riches"
Peacemaker and Cliff are eating lunch. Peacmaker is eating fruits while Cliff is eating meat.
Part 8(7 sec)
Auklet comes and sits next to them.
Part 9(8 sec)
"He met a girl who wore Versace
Pink feather coats and jumbo jewellery"
They all talk. Auklet is ver nice to them and tells them jokes even Cliff is smiling.
Part 10(8 sec)
"Gonna be a hoop phenomenon
He's gonna be Hakeem Olajuwon"
They are going back to their rooms, Auklet is going with them. She tells them that sometime she might even become a queen. Cliff is talking about his mother.(show vision of Auklet as a queen and a vision of Queen Ruby)
Part 11(8 sec)
"He's got a gold Camaro
He said over the payphone"
They are all sitting in their room smiling and talking. Peacemaker starts not to feel well, but doesn't tell his friend, he keeps smiling.

07.05.2020 11:06
LinkPart 12(6 sec)
"I try to keep my cool but
My life turns in slow motion"
Peacemaker falls on the ground. Everything goes blurry around him. Cliff and Auklet look horrified at him.
Part 13(7 sec, black background)
"Bye bye baby blue
I wish you could see the wicked truth"
Peacemaker is running scared. He meet Darkstalker who wants Peacemaker to follow him.
Part 14(8 sec, black background)
"Caught up in a rush, it's killing you
Screaming at the sun, you blow into"
Peacemaker is following Darkstalker. Darkstalker turns around and gives Peacemaker a star shaped crystal.
Part 15(8 sec, the background turns from black to white)
"Curled up in a grip when we were us
Fingers in a fist like you might run"
Peacemaker sees a blured vision of his mother. Darkstalker comes closer to Peacemaker. Hope disapeared.

07.05.2020 11:06
LinkPart 16(9 sec, white background and Jade moutain)
"I settle for a ghost I never knew
Superparadise I held on to
But I settle for a ghost"
Peacemaker looks into Darkstalkers eyes. Darkstalker disapears and Peacemaker wakes up at a nursery with Auklet and Cliff looking at him.
Outro(6 sec)
Cliff and Auklet are looking happy that he woke up. Peacemaker looks at his talons where is a dream vistior. They all look intrested with it.

07.05.2020 11:06
LinkPart 13 is mine.

07.05.2020 11:07

Can I have the outro please? :>
I love the designs of Peacemaker and Darkstalker but they’re all amazing,,

You pick the part you like the most and its not taken and animate it. You animate the thing that the scrip says.for example you pick part 9 and then you look what the script says. It says"They all talk. Auklet is ver nice to them and tells them jokes even Cliff is smiling" and then you animate this scene.
Now you understand? Do you want a part?

Also a bit of a hint. If you have complicated designs no one will want to join your map, and even if they do, it's probably going to be PMV.
My fav design is Auklet!