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victors leg
24.01.2020 14:55
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Victor is an amputee and I just eant to out stuff about that here. Im still learnign about amputations and I may change things as I gain more info. but for now I have basic stuff about how he lost his leg.
24.01.2020 15:02
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Victor used to drink a lot, and he was also a little more aggressive when drinking. he got in an argument with the friend who agreed to drive him home. he thought he could drive, and he could, but only for a bit. he refused to listen to those who told him not to, and he made a mistake doing that. he ended up driving off a hill, car overturned, and got knocked out in the process. his leg crushed by the door being pushed in by the impact, and for the amount of time he was unconscious, there was no saving it. he was also concussed for a while. he ended up comign to and being able to dial 911. he had a lot of missed calls from friends. When he was in the hospital he was very upset about losing his leg. he worked out often, and not being abel to be active for a while was not making him happy. he still had his knee joint, which msde him hopeful. he was very impatient in the healing process and fell a lot. he didnt like be8ng in a wheelchair, but he especially hated using crutches
24.01.2020 15:06
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he hated the idea of not even be8ng able to hold himself up. he was adamant about getting a prosthetic leg, and tried to rush through the process. the whole thing felt agonizingly long to him, he hated waiting, he hated physical therapy, he hated not being capable. The fact that he still had his knee was helpful when it came to prices, he didnt need a computer controlled knee. he was very impatient when it came to learnign to walk with his prosthetic, and nearly damaged it a few times. the only th8ng that made him be more careful was knowing he couldnt afford damaging it.
24.01.2020 15:09
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it took him a whiel to get through physical therapy thoguh, he was always impatient and overestimating his abilities. the day he was finally abwk to walk well without assistance he nearly cried. he was eager to get back into a gym and start working out again. he was only allowed to work out his upper body since his leg was still sensitive, but he did all he could.
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