26.11.2017 06:51
LinkI just don't know..
I feel like quitting.
I feel like dying..
I don't feel like I can go another week.
I'll probably be happy in the morning,
but I doubt it..
Even if I am, these thoughts will still haunt me
They'll still be there.
Just waiting.
26.11.2017 06:53
I just don't know..
I feel like quitting.
I feel like dying..
I don't feel like I can go another week.
I'll probably be happy in the morning,
but I doubt it..
Even if I am, these thoughts will still haunt me
They'll still be there.
Just waiting.
But please dont die, please dont quiet either, the world has brought you ere for a reason, to have a life as a new way of thinking, you can change the world, but nobody believes in it! You can do it, but if you quit, and kill yourself...Then less of chance is erased as people slowly die every second..every minute..every hour...every day.
Please, don’t quit! There are many people in the world who feel like you, and know you’re problems, (cough cough me) but you still have life, and you still live it! The only thing that will happen if you die, would be worse, way worse then anything else that could happen to you. Everything has a reason, and this could be a start, but later, everyone would know you, understand you, like you, and want you to stay, (before flipanim chat thingy shows up imma end this) so please, just don’t go! But, then again, it’s your life and you’re responsible for it, but remember you only live once.