Bubble :)
undertale 6 - comedian-comment
I like trains
by the last light of day
Dragons ( unfinished)
Trying Out Some Physics
What exactly is a Sopha?
06.09.2021 19:23
LinkLet me type
06.09.2021 19:27
LinkSO you may have heard me use the term "dragon" to describe these things.
That is incorrect. They are not, but that is the simplest way to put it.
Deyia is looking good.
Anywho. They look like cat/ lizards ish. They can vary from the size of a house cat, to 26 feet tall, depending on their age.
They are born blank, either black or white, then they gain color based on the area of magic they have. Deyia (the example) is light.
The dont have wings when they are not using magic, but then they are, they have wings and patterns on them that glow that can not be seen un activated.
Any questions? Im sure i am forgetting a lot.