05.08.2021 03:43
LinkThis is the account im exposing.
05.08.2021 03:44
LinkThey make people unconfy,they say making ppl uncomfortable is a joke??imo what
05.08.2021 03:46
LinkJust look at this??https://ibb.co/SNVt5ys
What the..fawk??fawking ur dog??kinda sus??this is not pornhub or any porn site.listen,ur eleven,then you said
"Oh im graduateing" bruv u already know abt hentai??Bruh
05.08.2021 03:47
LinkJazzyWazzy [OP] 05.08.2021 03:37LinkReportBlock
I'm going to explain something to the kiddos that think ****ing their pet or an animal is ok Animals have the mental capacity of a toddler. Wanting/having sex with an animal is basically ****ing a toddler or worse, a literal infant. People who want to have sex with their pet are some of the most disgusting people and they need to get some serious ****ing help
05.08.2021 03:48
TheRealJackWalten05.08.2021 03:37LinkReportBlock
You're absolutely revolting. How could you even do that? You're the worst. Imagine how your career would think of this, I don't understand what made you ****ing do that, it's illegal, and, telling people to go on a PX/XRN site, THAT IS FOR ADULTS is revolting is down bad. Block me I don't care, LEAVE People the **** alone and you're dog especially, ALONE. don't be a ****ing weirdo, it's so simple.
TheRealJackWalten05.08.2021 03:39LinkReportBlock
You're a kid, kids shouldn't be open to this sort of internet privilege, it's not okay.
05.08.2021 03:48
-olie-05.08.2021 03:19LinkReportBlock
please unfollow me, I don't interact with zoophiles
LeobotAnimations05.08.2021 03:27LinkReportBlock
no one ****ing likes you
LeobotAnimations05.08.2021 03:28LinkReportBlock
yeah, block me and delete my comment pussy come on lets talk bruv
LeobotAnimations05.08.2021 03:29LinkReportBlock
can you unfollow me i dont like being with creepy ass people
05.08.2021 03:49
LinkLook at what people said to you,you see that,haha,you deserve that
05.08.2021 03:50
JazzyWazzy[OP]05.08.2021 03:32LinkReportBlock
I have no hope for this generation. Invest and bestiality is really ****ing gross and if you support it don't ever even speak with me again.
JazzyWazzy[OP]05.08.2021 03:33LinkReportBlock
*INCEST investing in money is gross dni is you have a savings account /j
JazzyWazzy[OP]05.08.2021 03:37LinkReportBlock
I'm going to explain something to the kiddos that think ****ing their pet or an animal is ok Animals have the mental capacity of a toddler. Wanting/having sex with an animal is basically ****ing a toddler or worse, a literal infant. People who want to have sex with their pet are some of the most disgusting people and they need to get some serious ****ing help
JazzyWazzy[OP]05.08.2021 03:42LinkReportBlock
Oh gross this screenie I just took https://ibb.co/82qBkcJ
05.08.2021 03:50
honeyxpotter[OP]05.08.2021 03:10LinkReportBlock
Alr let’s talk. This is very important. You may not care but I’m not asking for anyone to send any hate or death threats to the kid. I’m just asking you unfollow me if you r an acquaintance to them. This is my side. I was not part of this whole thing, but I do have stuff to say. This kid @small-Liqourice. Has made ppl uncomfortable in the past but this is gone beyond. I comforted the kid and they said they didn’t care abt how they made ppl uncomfortable. I’m not the best at explaining so just look at the screenshots. https://paste.pics/13c628c592ae32019a0ceefd53c5f1d4 That screenshot is the first I comforted them and they tried to make up and excuse. The problem is that they said “I stopped talking.” Even if you have stopped talking that still doesn’t fix the problem. https://paste.pics/4033285b0ac67619f00d725cb182bf82 https://paste.pics/20bbcbdaab598a9df0686ea19cd10a5b https://paste.pics/88a5a8e198917378283ebeb84b009804 https://paste.pics/0359e4e16
05.08.2021 03:53
honeyxpotter[OP]05.08.2021 03:10LinkReportBlock
https://paste.pics/0e35b7eaa6b552c627ccde6e1e27f5a7 If you see nothing wrong with this situation, congrats you lost two more braincells!! 🎉🥳
honeyxpotter[OP]05.08.2021 03:15LinkReportBlock
Lost a follower 🥳
honeyxpotter[OP]05.08.2021 03:17LinkReportBlock
Yo tf I thought it was dead hrs
honeyxpotter[OP]05.08.2021 03:28LinkReportBlock
They also have done this.
honeyxpotter[OP]05.08.2021 03:28LinkReportBlock
Now once again, I’m begging don’t follow or talk to me if you like them or talk to them
05.08.2021 03:54
LinkEnd of rant,now go read this again to increase ur braincells😐
05.08.2021 03:55
Linkyall know small whatever the **** there user is
red-is-sus[OP]05.08.2021 03:45LinkReportBlock
mist if you are aware of the zoo thingie and how there 11/12 and shit
red-is-sus[OP]05.08.2021 03:45LinkReportBlock
red-is-sus[OP]05.08.2021 03:46LinkReportBlock
what the **** why are y’all sending them death threats, like that’s not okay?
red-is-sus[OP]05.08.2021 03:46LinkReportBlock
by the way, i am on NO ONES side, besides what they did was wrong and should learn from there consequences
red-is-sus[OP]05.08.2021 03:47LinkReportBlock
they should*
red-is-sus[OP]05.08.2021 03:48LinkReportBlock
like, why aren’t you guys bringing up the fact that some of the other people there are sin rpers, like picos school hasn:t stopped lmfao
red-is-sus[OP]05.08.2021 03:49LinkReportBlock
EVEN KIOKO AND THERE BF?? yet NO ONE brought them up like uhh waht the ****? anyways, back 2 what i was saying is
red-is-sus[OP]05.08.2021 03:51LinkReportBlock
uhh also dni if ur friends with them, and unfollow
05.08.2021 03:57
red-is-sus[OP]05.08.2021 03:53LinkReportBlock
also yea this is what they done wrong, and i’m genuinely glad i unfollowed them
Hey guys,flipanim needs to be shut down because this website was reported in the cyber crime website.please be aware of this person @small liquiorce
05.08.2021 03:59
LinkThis is cutieanims reaction to what they did
05.08.2021 04:00
LinkThis site was reported when the tokki drama happened,so be careful guys
05.08.2021 04:00
LinkPlease advertise this fir more people to see it,ty.
05.08.2021 04:05
LinkWHAT https://flipanim.com/anim=03geaj4l#comment-iYXty9fJqlgr