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07.10.2020 02:05
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Welcome to the super soggy science center. I am your host, Cr1titikal the master science guy man. Today’s scientific discussion: Why do we hate cockroaches? What about them makes us feel yucky and gross and stinky. To analyze this, let’s talk about what roaches are composed of. Much like all life on Earth they are composed of Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, a bunch of other elements, but the main element that cockroaches are composed of is filth. They are filthy abominable biological shitstains. Evolution’s greatest mistake. You wanna know why the universe is expanding so fast? Its to get as far away from cockroaches as ****ing possible. Look at these things. Look at em. They’re disgusting. They’re ****ing gross. I don’t like them, no one likes them. History says Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln but that’s a lie, the truth is Abraham Lincoln had a cockroach on his leg, figured life wasn’t worth living anymore and kindly asked Booth to just off him. Much of history’s greatest mysterie
07.10.2020 02:11
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s can be solved by simply looking at the cockroaches in the context there. For example, Atlantis. They say Atlantis sunk into the sea never to be seen again. Well where were cockroaches at the time? Were they alive? And if they were alive then there was a very good chance Atlantis sunk itself to get away from the cockroaches. The only true way to escape their fury. Dinosaurs, how did those *****es go extinct? Well let’s look at when cockroaches came into existence, was it around the same time as the dinosaurs? If it was we have our explanation, they all killed themselves to get away from the roaches. Scientifically speaking cockroaches suck ****. They are abominable, loathsome, detestable, odious, despicable, contemptible, damnedable, diabolical, disgusting, rancid, putrid, ****ing gross, yucky yuck yuck yuckmasters. That’s what they are. They look like shit. They are shit. **** cockroaches I hate those things, everyone does. They’re just foul, nauseating, rancid, putrid, disgusting, repulsive, revol
07.10.2020 02:12
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ting, distasteful, vomitous, nasty piles of unpalatable anus in existence. I hate cockroaches most people do. And the ones that don’t they should. ‘Cause cockroaches are the worst insects, the worst creatures in this universe. In this corporeal dimension, nothing is more disgusting than a cockroach. So thanks for tuning in to this super soggy science center. Hopefully we scientifically explained why human beings don’t like cockroaches.
08.11.2020 01:27
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damn why are their necks so long :(
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