I need you
waving mcfly
This is where SW come from kid
Flip Anim Interview
Watch eddsworld
19.05.2018 02:39
Ok, since your suggesting it
19.05.2018 02:40
I'm sorry I have sinned
19.05.2018 02:45
LinkYou wretched beast.
Ok, so you can watch it in any prder, bpand I'm going to give you episodes to watch, so I'll give you backstory.
Edd, Tom Tord and Matt are fruends who live together, and weird shit happens. Later Tord leaves.
That's it.
You seem like a horror slut, so watch zombeh attack 1, 2 and 3, and the halloween special (you'll need to watch it on a dofferent channel, because the sound was copyright struck).
Also Hello Hellhole, Zombeh Nation, Matt sucks and Ruined.
My personal favourites are Spares, Moving Targets, 25 ft under the seat and WTFuture.
From there, watch any of it. It's all good.
Except anything after Space Face part one, that's a whole other thing.
Ok but from what I've heard from you it's like all slice of life and stuff but then they try to be all sErIoUs BuSiNeSs
I'm gonna watch the one-off type stuff, but how do you feel about that change in tone? If it's actually a real thing and the dramatic eddsworld speedpaints (they have good music taste) are decieving me