Serious Update.
09.05.2022 00:20
LinkI came to turns with if i actually. quit Flipanim. when i was on break, i was constantly drawing here then almost posting them forgetting my break. in my mind i was thinking "Take a rest! Its Your Day Off!" But i feel, like i could never quit flipanim without any satisfaction. alot of nasty stuff has been going on in my life. i have been a living punchline for years now. people pretending to be my freind as a joke expecting laughs. sometimes i cant sleep at night because of this hellhole of a website. and then tommorow i would just come back saying "hey guys!". i dont know how to say this but im staying. i have put to much effort in this place to leave.
12.07.2022 13:27
LinkI have honestly lost faith in this website.
22.10.2023 20:15
LinkNothing changed