ok so larnue and kletny
30.05.2021 04:22
Linklarnue (blue man with yellow circle on forehead) is guy that constantly picks on another purple man (oxzoine, have only drawn 2x on here???)
oxzoine and larnue were childhood friends and still hard but its hard to explain
basically larnue got caught up with being popular and poof.
larnue is 19
oxzoine is 19 also
kletny is 21 and larnue is soft towards kletny and enjoys his company
30.05.2021 04:23
Linklarnue wishes to get closer to klet!!!
30.05.2021 04:25
Linksecretly wants to feel kletnys cuddles too-
larnue is straight(???)
kletny is somewhat asexual
30.05.2021 04:29
Linkkletny is the VERY few people that larnue is soft to
that includes. flurry and well, kletny
and oxzoine, adelian
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