When This happen in a nuzlocke
26.07.2020 22:55
LinkMore info on this: So I was up against Marnie and her battle was tough so far, I had to use my Milcery, Twix. And had low health, so I swapped her out with my Boldore Granola when I was up against Marnie's Morpeko. She got damaged quite a bit. So after that, I knew I had to heal Granola up, in exchange for Swiper my Thievul's death, Healed up Granola, and expected Swiper to die to Morpeko's Bite, It gone for Bite, and Swiper. Lived. With. Six. HP. Left. With that stroke of luck, I sent out Granola again, and finished the battle with 0 deaths.
27.07.2020 01:06
LinkNice, I haven't tried a nuzlocke. Ima do it some time haha.