


Gift4@Luckygem (no requests)

Short Spinel animation

Golden Eagle

Yuna The Dalmatian
i caught up on homestuck 2


07.02.2020 01:43
Linksorry for the shitty doodle im tired.

07.02.2020 01:45
Linki caught up on hs 2, and i have thoughts. now as you may know, jane is my favorite alpha kid, and ive always related to dirk a lot. dont even get me started on terezi. so now theyre all villains, sort of. dirk is a huge villain, and ane is a racist. its kind of disappointing cuz i love them all so much. but lets get to the good stuff!

07.02.2020 01:49
Linkvrissy and tavros. :ok-hand:
i love roxy, hes so great. i love karkat and dave, and kanaya. we got some proper kanaya time.
art is very nice, and the writing is so nice. it all feels so good.
hussies really progressed considering who he used to be. he has a lot of representation in his stuff now, and its really cool.
the writing feels very in character and very natural.
dave feels so real, and thats hard to get right when writing dave.
everyones designs are nice.
davekat and callirox are canon.
vriska is awesome.

07.02.2020 01:49
Linkthats pretty much all there is to say on the matter! its just really good.