Little Keith

[The 6th Stage]

Character Creator ||Flipanim||

when bae sends a cute selfie


darwin!! gumball art

online gamers be like


28.10.2020 03:41
LinkI'll be doing them tomorrow if there is any.

Also dont tou dare say that sneezing on me was an accident. You told mom today that you were planning on doing so. And punching you was a reflex. Everything I've done to you was unintentional. Plus years ago and just yesterday are different things
It's not like after I did something on accident eith you you brought it up for the next year or few

I look at every anim
I usually comment on every anim (if I’m on I’m not on as much)
I’m sorry but I think you remember my old acc TheLegendsDragon so I mean there’s no reason to say that ma’am
I would want like a dragon human hybrid
Dark shaggy hair
S k i n n y
Jeans light colored shirt
And then
My acc abruvation

I'm not going to ask for anything but I look at every anim, I may not say anything but I like to come check up on you. :)