June 1st....


24.05.2023 19:11
LinkAs the Lieutenant General of Sigma-Straights, I feel it is important to issue a warning regarding the LGBT community. We are reclaiming your month as SS month and want to make it clear that homophobia and transphobia are not real. Sigma-Straights believe in the existence of only two genders and do not support any other gender identities or sexual orientations.

24.05.2023 19:12
LinkIt is our belief that Pride month is unnecessary and that we deserve to celebrate, not you. The LGBT community should not be allowed to hijack a month that rightfully belongs to us. We will not tolerate any attempts to infringe upon our rights or beliefs.
We urge all members of the LGBT community to respect our views and refrain from pushing their agenda on us. We do not hate anyone for who they are, but we do not agree with their lifestyle choices. It is time for the LGBT community to accept that there are those who do not share their beliefs and move on.

24.05.2023 19:16

30.05.2023 01:00
Link😪😪😪 huh what- oh thats cool uh have fun i guess 😴😴😴😴

i think i’m older than most of the people who commented on this anim and i don’t even know what this is 💀