23.05.2023 02:38
LinkOk hwy does tis alwayz happen hwen i start thinking about all of the mistakes and bad decisions ive made in the past and even though now i know that it is wrong and i am not the same person and that it is okay i start ****ing spiraljng because i can never undo that
23.05.2023 02:38
23.05.2023 02:41
Linki whish i could have a fresh start because i have been narrowed and matured very quickly over the past few years and i have enough sense now to not do all of these vile thigns and i hatehatehatehate that even though i can make myself a better person those memories of when i was not a good person still linger
23.05.2023 02:47
Linkbut is it really the right thing to criticize my past self like this? was i too childish to know any better? would my past self be hurt if i heard the way i complain now? would i have owned up to my mistakes if only i had known how wrong and stupid they were?