coming soon...


05.10.2018 02:00
LinkPocket cats is a world full of teeny, tiny, cats! Named for their size, a pocket cat is tied to a human from birth. Eventually they will meet each other, weather at the start or end of their lives. Bricken, our pocket cat, is to a rather unusual boy. His name is Isac, and he loves sewing. pocket cats, being created to suit their humans, are supposed to help their humans achieve their goals. so Bricken isn't a warrior, a hunter, or a philosopher, he's a fashion critique. but one day, he loses Isac, and needs to find him, no matter how big the world is, or how small a pocket cat is compared to it.

05.10.2018 02:01
Linkforgive the mispellings, I can't edit any of it.

05.10.2018 03:23
Linkalso, just a heads up, it's an animatic series, and it's not very neat. it's really just sketches with words, so sorry in advance