12.04.2020 01:14
12.04.2020 01:16
LinkCharacters for this map
12.04.2020 01:16
12.04.2020 01:19
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12.04.2020 01:20
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12.04.2020 01:34
Link1) :Dakota, Karmin, and Matte: Come live with us in the Palace There's a room waiting for you
2) :All three continue singing: Come on Come on Come on
3) :All three of them: Just let us adore you Azeal: You guys have really gotten better at showing affection
4) Azeal: But I've got my own life to get back to Don't forget- I'm not Pink Diamond!
5) :All three of them: Yes, we know that you're not her but you were her's You know what it meant to love her
6) :All three of them: And you remind us so much of her
Azeal: Thanks, but I really gotta go
7) Karmin: But Steven! I've disbanded my armies, I've liberated my colonies!
8) Matte: I never shouted! I'd never make anyone cry! I've been saying "Please" and "thank you, " even to lower life-forms!
9) Azeal: What did we talk about?
Matte: Ugh, equal life-forms
10) Dakota: Steven, we've done everything you've asked! Azeal: That's great! Good job! Keep it up!
11) Azeal: Bye!
12.04.2020 01:34
Link1 is mine
12.04.2020 01:41
LinkYou don’t need to animate it