Vent but also an announcement-


28.04.2021 22:44

28.04.2021 22:45
School blocked f*cking flipanim
Now i can only do sh*tty drawings on mouse/touchpad-
Please just end my suffering

28.04.2021 22:45
LinkThis will probally be a mostly dead account, i am legit crying rn.

Oh my god im so sorry!
No no no flipanim should not be your top priority right now. Please do self-care and get better. The world NEEDS someone like you and without you it wouldn´t be the same. Yes its a shame they blocked it, but at least you can still talk to your friends. Please please dont harm yourself

I have major anxiety so I know how you feel.
And yes I might panic because I would probably miss out if I didnt do those, but our lives aren´t ment to be games and electronics. Live it fully. Go run around till you can´t breath, go to the gym, do arts and crafts. I know im probably not being helpful but im just saying