le music
11.01.2025 23:54
Linkevery single day of the week I like to sing a song
AnUglyRat11.01.2025 23:54
When the oints coime at moi, It'oll toike 10,000, 100,000 of them toi toike me doiown. So thoits's how miniscuoile yoy aire to moi soize, roight. My statoire of intelligoince, choiracter and boiody and um, Reveroice in this woiorld. Noio man, becoiuse I'm goinna do moiovies, stand up coimoidy, everythoing all the shit, muisic, whatever the foick e coimmorce, Yoy doin't understoind that yoiu're talking to loike a Michealangelo of my toime, roight. Like I'm a geniois, Albert Einstein level, Histoiry book moiker. You're gonna be forgoitten like the dust in the sand when yoiu're in the foicking sahara, and there's a hundred million thoiusand billioin sand poirticles, you're goinna be ojne of thoiose, and I'm goinna be a stoitue eroicted in goild.
croizy? oi wois croizy oince… thoi loicked moi oin a roim. a roibber roim. a roim woith roits. roits moike moi croizy. croizy? oi wois croizy oince… thoi loicked moi oin a roim. a roibber roim. a roim woith roits. roits moike moi croizy. croizy? oi wois croizy oince… thoi loicked moi oin a roim. a roibber roim. a roim woith roits. roits moike moi croizy. croizy? oi wois croizy oince… thoi loicked moi oin a roim. a roibber roim. a roim woith roits. roits moike moi croizy. croizy? oi wois croizy oince… thoi loicked moi oin a roim. a roibber roim. a roim woith roits. roits moike moi croizy. croizy? oi wois croizy oince… thoi loicked moi oin a roim. a roibber roim. a roim woith roits. roits moike moi croizy. croizy? oi wois croizy oince… thoi loicked moi oin a roim. a roibber roim. a roim woith roits. roits moike moi croizy. croizy? oi wois croizy oince… thoi loicked moi oin a roim. a roibber roim. a roim woith roits. roits moike moi croizy.