

22.04.2023 13:44
LinkI know I'm problematic, I know I'm hated
But I can't help the way that I feel, I'm frustrated
I try to be myself, but people just don't understand
I'm not trying to be hurtful, I'm just trying to be a man

22.04.2023 13:44
LinkI'm the one they love to hate
I'm the one they always berate
But I can't change who I am
I'm just trying to be me, damn

22.04.2023 13:45
LinkI don't fit in, I don't belong
I'm always doing something wrong
I wish I could be like everyone else
But my mind won't let me, it's like a curse

22.04.2023 13:45
LinkI know I'm not perfect, I know I make mistakes
But every time I try to fix things, it just creates more hate
I wish I could escape this cycle of pain
But I'm stuck here, feeling like I'm going insane

22.04.2023 13:45
LinkI'm the one they love to hate
I'm the one they always berate
But I can't change who I am
I'm just trying to be me, damn

22.04.2023 13:46
LinkI'll keep being problematic, I'll keep being hated
But I won't let it stop me, I'll keep going, undaunted
I'll find my place, I'll find my way
Until I'm dead, ill find something to say.

People's opinions don't matter
I'm gonna live my life, not be a chatter
I'll be myself, no need to flatter
I'm living for me, not for their chatter
I used to seek their validation
Their acceptance was my only motivation
But I realized, that's not the way
I have to live for me, every single day
People's opinions don't matter
I'm gonna live my life, not be a chatter
I'll be myself, no need to flatter
I'm living for me, not for their chatter

I'm not saying that their words don't hurt
Sometimes it's like a stab, it feels like dirt
But I won't let them dictate my life
I'll stay true to myself, and be alright
People's opinions don't matter
I'm gonna live my life, not be a chatter
I'll be myself, no need to flatter
I'm living for me, not for their chatter
I'll keep living my life, no need for strife
I'll keep doing me, and I'll be just fine
Their words won't hold me down, I'll rise above
I'll be free, and live my life with love.

im not sure if i should feel bad or not tbh
i dont really know what to really comment abt this post- however flashing images could cause epileptic people to have seizures
thats already a thing you've done wrong but thats not really the point
true, you should be yourself and not let anyone get in your way and 'change' you, srry if i offend or hurt you but try to... be a 'troll' by making offensive remarks that could trigger someone and attack you
some parts couldve been said differently btw
just saying

From within my thoughts, I feel a sense of dismay
At the words you speak, I'm losing my way
Your opinions I do not care to hear
I don't value your beliefs, so please just disappear
So shut the **** up, furfaggot
I don't give a **** what you have to say alright?
Stay out of my life, I'm done with this fight
So shut the **** up, furfaggot
Your attempts to reason with me are in vain
Stop trying to speak, nothing will remain
Your attempts are deafening like a hundred alarms
Your words are meaningless and do no one no harm
So shut the **** up, furfaggot
I don't give a **** what you have to say alright?
Stay out of my life, I'm done with this fight
So shut the **** up, furfaggot
Your rants and raves are for naught
It's time for you to get a wake-up call
You have no power or control
Stop talking and just roll
So shut the **** up, furfaggot
I don't give a **** what you have to say alright?
Stay out of my life, I'm done with this fight
So shut the fu

Bro gave someone a seizure and started rapping
Just him spitting ai generated emo bars over somone convulsing on the floor

Too much knowledge makes the world spin around
Days will pass yet ideas shall abound
At times rejection breeds conformity
Why not try something else, what do I see
Why must we drift blindly in the same direction
Spaced out thoughts, a new perspective to mention
Let us create our own path and pave the way
A direction filled with never seen ideas and play
Let’s delve into the realm of being most true
The beauty of imperfection, being problematic and not giving a **** for those that just don’t like you

I don't care about epileptic,
My post hurts nobody,
I'm just trying to make a hit.
It's just a silly little thing,
I'm not trying to be a king,
It's just a way to pass the time,
And it's not a serious crime.
I'm not trying to be an artist,
I'm just trying to have some fun,
It's just a silly little thing,
And it's not meant to be done.
It's not meant to be a masterpiece,
It's just a silly little game,
It's not meant to be taken seriously,
It's just a way to pass the time in vain.
So I don't care if it looks like shit,