what are you? 🤔🤨


05.03.2021 20:15
Linkinspired by CuteCrystalCat

05.03.2021 23:06
LinkI saw it and was like HEY! COPYCAT! But you said inspired by me so at least I got created

05.03.2021 23:06
LinkAlso I got pretty

06.03.2021 15:54
Comment removed

Its called memory loss- and due to her falling and hitting her head on a chair she lost her memory for 1-5 or maybe 6 months back but the doctors have not run all the tests yet- and because of covid i cant really be in the room but i can go in there for a few minutes at a time- also i let her get on flipanim because shes been on this app for a whole year but she never got an account.Also im 17 im her brother my parents are on there way to the docters they were at work and i did not know what to do so i called the hospital.:(