23.01.2022 15:16
LinkI cannot believe the amount of friends I've lost over this...
It's all on me, though..
"You're not 14!!"
That's what i've been hearing,,, I feel so immature and rude,,,
I just wanna dig a hole in the ground and cry. Not like my brain would get the idea. I'm too childish.
I can't do this.
23.01.2022 15:22
Linkim your friend, and always been, im always there for my followers, but since i have so many, i always feel like im gonna fail and not support them, but my dj members and my people always supported me, and you are not rude, you are kind, you have a voice, a heart, you have a future.I always feel like one day im going to have to retire, and i dont know who im gonna pass my art work on, ad i dont dont know if there gonna even remember me, but plz, take your time, and feel yourself, people taught me it not about the likes or followers you get, its how the effort you put into it, so plz, dont quit this or your life ( and im 13 )
23.01.2022 15:24
Linkthank you.. :) just reading that made me happy to know one of my followers had already forgave me
23.01.2022 15:24
Linkand your artwork may look childish, but your anmating is beautiful
23.01.2022 15:25
Linkand np, plz dont give up
23.01.2022 15:26
Linkthank you. :)
24.01.2022 14:10