bobert & bertha partying hard

My new profile picture. Nya!



How dare you flip

Tryin' 2 shade animation-Seph

Let me type.


14.01.2020 20:52

So, in the front of our school, the buses line up by the road infront of our school. And i got out of class and could hear loud yelling from the sidewalk infront of out school and i went on my bus and looked out the window to see a guy with a microphone/ megaphone and a huge poll with three signs they were saying stuff like "God will turn on the wicked" "God is angry at you and you will be sacrificed" "If you sin jesus will hate you and you will pay" And stuff saying bad things about us.

And some stupid people were taking it as a joke and screaming "Get the F*** off our school!" and "F*** you!" and it was getting bad. And then some people were saying that he is going to make us pay or he will shoot up our school and kill us all! And then the police showed up and tried to get him to stop but he didn't. our buses left as he was yelling at us and it is freaking me out. If you want to know more stuff you can ask @Squirrelflightkitty because she was in the bus behind me so she probably saw the whole thing because her class is in the front of the school and she is one of the first people to get on the buses.