i want to die
21.10.2020 13:29
21.10.2020 17:45
Linkbc im a worthless human being with no self-worth so what's the point in me living my art sucks anyways lol
21.10.2020 17:51
Linkshes just going thru it bc we arent friends anymore and shes probably jealous my cousin might sleep over *rolls eyes*
21.10.2020 17:52
Linkshes just going thru it bc we arent friends anymore and shes probably jealous my cousin might sleep over *rolls eyes*
21.10.2020 17:52
Linkshes just going thru it bc we arent friends anymore and shes probably jealous my cousin might sleep over *rolls eyes*
21.10.2020 17:52
Linkshes just going thru it bc we arent friends anymore and shes probably jealous my cousin might sleep over *rolls eyes*
21.10.2020 17:52
Linkshes just going thru it bc we arent friends anymore and shes probably jealous my cousin might sleep over *rolls eyes*
21.10.2020 17:52
Linkshes just going thru it bc we arent friends anymore and shes probably jealous my cousin might sleep over *rolls eyes*
21.10.2020 17:52
Linkshes just going thru it bc we arent friends anymore and shes probably jealous my cousin might sleep over *rolls eyes*
21.10.2020 17:52
Linkshes just going thru it bc we arent friends anymore and shes probably jealous my cousin might sleep over *rolls eyes*
21.10.2020 18:21
Linkwhy would i be jealous? if anything ur jealous bc this whole fight started bc when I called you harmonys face was there its not like she was saying anything to you so this is basically all your fault we would still be somewhat friends if you didn't go off on me like that. but then the next when I join ur zoom to apologize even tho u started it u wanna be all buddy buddy ok kid I get ur thirsty for attention
21.10.2020 18:24
Linkbut either way i was gonna let u know i didnt wanna be ur friend anyways. stop assuming. and no. i dont want attention. and u did that on purpose because you know that i dont like harmony AND you said "If you dotn like harmony then dont be my friend". Thats what YOU said. so bye because imalways gonan dislike her until she stops disliking me which will be never<3
21.10.2020 18:27
Linkwhateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr drop it you obvi dont like me so go away
22.10.2020 00:15
22.10.2020 11:27
Linky r u running? y r u running?!
22.10.2020 11:59
Linkim not running brove...im sitting<3
22.10.2020 12:01
Linkand your making this a big deal like just please be quiet! I abswered the phone and hamony WASNT JUST THERE. she ANDWERED THE PHONE and that GENUINLY made me upset, then it went back to our old fights and made it worse...autumn im tired and im also tired of you so im not saying this again. bye.
22.10.2020 17:08
LinksHe DiDnT aNsWeR yOu CaLlEd I aNsWeReD aNd GaVe It To HeRrR (When I said why are you running I wasn't talking to you I was saying the meme to blue-lilly but ok whatever because the world revolves around you or whatever)
26.10.2020 18:15
26.10.2020 18:16
26.10.2020 18:16