Here comes a rant-
21.01.2020 12:16
LinkEven though I can't skate at all without clutching onto the walk for dear life, i love ice skating. Like, I fricking LOVE ice skating. I like watching the Dutch speed skating and how they're so good at it. I remember my opa would call us after he saw the 2017 World Cup Speed skating and how the Dutch won against Poland by seven secound, and how excited he was. I've tried ice skating and I'm fricking horrible, but that's not going to stop me from enjoying my favourite winter sport! I have the power of YouTube!
Yeah that's my parents fault for allowing me to hang out with opa for too long.. Now he us starting to rub off on me ;^; I've scared my parents by rattling on about how the Dutch used ice skating to help win the 80 year war against the filthy rotten tomato eating Spaniards. They lured them onto the ice and purposely made the Spaniards go over think ice, causing them to plunge into the -40 degrees water and drown.
21.01.2020 12:18
LinkBut! Back to the more important topic! I know in some dutch schools, the teachers actually pause the leassons so the class can watch the Dutch compete in events during the Winter Olympics.