Missing Halloween QwQ
idk wat to call dis anymore XD
Tycoon Has Awoken...
Speech thing
08.08.2020 04:34
LinkI have a black cousin and uncle and baby cousin, other cousin OTHER cousin, and other uncle. And I'm scared not just for me but for you. We NEED to change. NOW! I just can't stand to see, and or hear about another black man's life taken by the racist people of America and beyond. I'm scared. We all love life. We shouldn't kill black men for their skin color. We have no differences! BLACK LIVES MATTER!
08.08.2020 04:36
LinkWe should LOVE the black people of America and beyond. NOT hate!
08.08.2020 04:36
LinkPlease spread this message! 😊
honestly, there are many faults to this. you can add ANY modifier. black lives matter ONLY.
also, did you know there are only around a hundred ppeople in GENERAL killed by cops each YEAR? and barely any of those are blacks, mainly whites.
In chicago riots, there are mainly blacks shooting blacks. how is this supporting a cause?
they have rights! they do! so many black PEOPLE have been killed by cops. yet we protest about some unimportant man named george floyd? this is getting out of hand! there are bad people everywhere! in cops, in pet shops, hell, even in shool! school is a good place to see it. you have the main ly good kids, majority. then, you have bullies. MINORITY.
can you please look up why saying "all lives matter" is. bad
and let me also say that someone saying "black lives matter" does not equate to them saying "black lives matter *more*"
why do the 'modifiers' matter? this person was just saying, very blatantly, that "Black Lives Matter." and nothing else other than to just respect people and not be racist lmao
also how is just. wanting to bring light to all the hardships & racism black people still go through... bad? how is it bad to promote treating people the same regardless of skin color