tiny rant kinda I guess fuck i
09.05.2020 00:44
Linkwhen you
When you have a mental problem or whatever
And you need help
But it doesn't seem as severe as it is on your head
So you're nit getting help
09.05.2020 00:44
So you have be extra
You have to get attention
Because that's as close as you'll get to help
09.05.2020 00:47
LinkAnd you want pity
Because you feel like no one cares
So you have to try to get it
So you have to shout a little louder
Cry a little more
Cut a little harder
Starve a little longer
Because you don't know how else to bring it to other people's attention that you're hurting and that you're in pain
09.05.2020 00:48
LinkAnd you flat out ask for help
And people don't get it
Apparently a literal request of help isn't enough
Comment removed
09.05.2020 00:49
LinkSo you have to beg and beg and beg
09.05.2020 00:51
LinkBecause no one hears you
09.05.2020 00:52
LinkBut then, for looking for help, you're made fun if for trying to get attention
You're not welcome anymore
Because you're an attention seeker