11.09.2018 02:10
LinkA scary one?
11.09.2018 02:11
11.09.2018 02:18
LinkWhen I was a child I was afraid of monsters
Now that I’m older I’m really terrified to know that there real
11.09.2018 02:19
11.09.2018 02:23
LinkYou heard me...
11.09.2018 02:24
LinkWait- NO
11.09.2018 02:27
LinkThey are.....
11.09.2018 02:27
LinkN O
Okay so once I had this WEIRD dream. It took place in an alternate reality where your brain was scanned and though it they determent the best course for you to take in life. My main character and a few others we set side because the possibilities for our life were endless. Okay so our society was relatively tame, and the scan was just a suggestion. Okay so in the past the community was split in two, on half being mine and the other belonging to a totally governed world where the scan determined you whole existence.
So, when I was little I had a fish. Normally my fish would take 2 weeks to die but mY fish died in a year :0000
Last year in school, I was going to my computer class, but the teacher wasn't there, so they had us just sit in the gym and watch the class that was happening there at the moment.
So, the girls came out of the locker room, and waited for the boys. But the boys were taking a long time, so the girls screwed around for a bit.
One of the girls ran into a wall and broke her leg
The nurse and a bunch of teachers had to come, the boys didn't even leave the locker room the whole class, the girls just sat on the gym floor, and my computer class and I were very confused
Yeet school