04.07.2021 21:19
Linkgod i hate this the immense hate exiting my body for this trash i made in 30 minutes is immeasurable the art is terrible because i'm not a furry artist and the art is so similar to others, and the character is so uncreative it looks like something a cringe sans fan girl would make up on the spot ( no offense just my opinion don't attack me) and the eyes are to different sizes, what animimal is this fox/wolf/cat/dog/squirrel?? also this background is crap this is just something i did because i said i would make a post today but i wish i could go back to 5 days ago me and slap her and it would be for the grater good because this shouldn't exist
why im i ranting about this thing
im still not going to delete it because this technically is my post i don't have the effort / motivation to draw something else. basically i just lazy