Today was bullshît.
06.01.2022 00:48
LinkOng, I really just wanna die right abt now. School wasn’t even the reason, literally.
06.01.2022 00:50
LinkI made those like posts as a joke, omfg I literally said it was a joke, people coming to me and acting like it be my fault, yeah I made all those ppl like my post, I said it was a joke. Ppl just don’t listen, then there’s the wb, I make wbs for comfort, I always did, that wasn’t comforting, it make me uncomfortable and it kept on going.
06.01.2022 00:52
LinkI’m uncomfortable, I hated today with everything I ****ing have, every bone in my body, every hair I have on my head, every breathe I take every step I took, I hated it.
06.01.2022 00:53
LinkCan I just die now????????
06.01.2022 00:55
LinkThe amount of likes made me more uncomfortable, I didn’t expect that many bc yk? My acc is dead. So look that that, me deleting the post bc ppl made me uncomfortable.
06.01.2022 00:56
LinkI hate everything, I just wanna go to sleep and not wake up, I’m tired, lmao trying my best my ASS I don’t try for shît.
06.01.2022 00:58
LinkStupid ass bîtch.
06.01.2022 00:58
LinkThis is all my fault anyway.