Running Fire
ask cleo ( my doge )
ItsMartin in Color
another kid drawing of me cuz
opinion thing
02.05.2022 13:14
Linkok so im gonna get like ahte and stuff for havng a different opinion but
if you start having a panic attack and crying because someone on the internet brung up a "trigger" or something,,, get over it. its the internet. not your safespace or your living room. there are block buttons fora reason
ive literally seen people threaten to off themselves because one of their triggers was "walmart" which is ridiculous on its own and then someone said in chat "i went to walmart today" its just stupid
02.05.2022 13:16
Linkone of somebodies triggers was the name "josh" and there was a guy named josh so they started getting all angey.... get over it!!!!!!!!11 people are named josh its a name!!!!1 you cant have a name or WALMART as a trigger and expect people to never ever talk about those things because YOU dont like them
02.05.2022 13:19
Linkhonestly if you get triggered by WALMART then you have no business being on the internet