I'm so sleepy


03.08.2024 07:13
LinkI can't go to sleep at 3am I just cant

03.08.2024 07:14
LinkCall me crazy and a liar all you want but around 2am to 3am so much random ad weird sshkhg happens to me like so bad

03.08.2024 07:15
LinkLike I don't know what it is but like I feel like there are dead people or spirits in my room usually around this time of night or early in the morning whatever there's like these ghosts in my room and they knock stuff off my table all the time

03.08.2024 07:16
LinkAnd I know I'm not stupid because I make sure to push my stuff WAYYYY back like far back on my table and they just slam it off like gr why are you touching my stuff you stupid dead ghost

03.08.2024 07:17
LinkI actually managed to communicate with one by telling them to tap on something on my table and when I heard something tapping i know that it's a ghost or whatever the hell it is

03.08.2024 07:18
LinkAnd no it's nobody playing a prank on me because I do NOT live with multiple people and usually I am alone when this happens so now that I have my own room it's gets even more crazy because like my mom's down the hall from my room (I only live with my mom)

03.08.2024 07:19
LinkAnyways yeah sometimes I can like hear these ghosts walking around my room and or moving and pushing things over in my room (again why are you touching my stuff you idiots)

03.08.2024 07:21
LinkUsually these things happen when it's dark in my room (like there's no lights on) or when I'm not really paying attention to anything but the one thing that I hate is that their instant reaction is to just go to my table and start knocking things over and or throwing stuff from off of it

03.08.2024 07:25
LinkEverytime when I stay up at night I try my best to sleep before 3AM so that the ghosts can stop comig

03.08.2024 07:25
LinkBut like it's so hard like there's so much I wanna do and then all the sudden when 3am hits I instantly feel wringed out

03.08.2024 07:29
LinkTry to stay up until 4AM challenge level impossible (your braincells explode)

03.08.2024 07:29
LinkMy brain is EATING itself rn