Poems that I do down below.
27.08.2022 23:21
LinkOk let me type! Say what you think under each poem, my poems are usually more than 20 lines so only 3 for now.
The Mask Thats invisible
People say that I’m dark
That I’m mean yet I am not
The truth is the book that’s closed
It’s closed to some but not us
We have hearts that speak with songs
They listen to the ones who hurt us
Yet we all wear a mask of one or another
We hide our identities since names have power
Masks can be taken off, like a string of puppet
Take the mask off, and cut the strings
I love your connections that aren't immediately obvious, like taking off masks is like cutting strings! Never would've thought of that, but its entirely true
Also "Yet we all wear a mask of one or another / We hide our identities since names have power" bro that tasted like dark chocolate when I read it /pos
The Shield can be lies
The shield can be you to others
Yet it’s like a painting but ruined
It shows what type of person you are
Our hearts can’t be our shields
They are our truths but those can be
A shield can be lies for the greater good
Two lies doesn’t equal a truth
A white lie doesn’t matter either
The color doesn’t matter or the size
Put that aside and stand up for the good
The Train That Stops ain’t for you
A train has stopped
Yet it’s not for you, it’s for the void
You think it is and you walk into it
A shield blocks you and you notice
The train is the truth that’s hiding like a mask
Your the cat who runs from the dog,
Your the bully at school yet you get bullied
Everybody around is the shield and the truths
Don’t hide behind anything, stand tall
Run like the wind to your truths