Sharkwings (LMT)


19.02.2023 01:12
19.02.2023 01:20
LinkDescription: Large armored dragons often colored similarly to sharks, whales, and other sea life. Vary rarely being colored similarly to tropical fish. These dragons have gills, two sets of smaller wings, and no back legs, two sets of horns, a shark-like tail, webbed claws and fin-like structures on their arms. The sub-species deep sea sharkwings have bioluminescent scales going down their belly.

19.02.2023 01:26
Link* The also have forked tongues
Abilities & subspecies:
High Tide: Strong jaws and strong swimmers, teeth fall out and regrow constantly, spit scolding hot water
Deep Sea: Strong jaws and strong swimmers, teeth fall out and regrow constantly, with stand high temperatures and are slightly fire resistant, and night vision

19.02.2023 01:42
LinkQueen: Thermal
Sharkwings don't have a set royal line. As the tribe values strength above most things (Due to this the tribe sometimes has kings and not Queens). The strongest three dragons from the High Tides and Deep Sea Sharkwings fight. Not always to the death, but it does happen. The strongest of the Six fights the standing royalty. This happens every 5 years. And if the King or Queen dies at that time the runner up assumes roll for the remaining years before having to fight to keep it.

19.02.2023 01:42
LinkNames are based on sea life, colors, and other things that can be found in the sea.

19.02.2023 01:48
LinkSharkwings live around an island around 40-42 miles off the south coast of Aves. The tribe is mostly aquatic, their cities and kingdom being located in a trench, that at its lowest deeps has thermal vents, that resides rather close to this island. This island along with the kingdom is called Selachi.

19.02.2023 01:55
LinkThe sharkwings have a spoken language but it's rarely used as most don't ever travel out of the water. They instead communicate using a form of sign language, and use chips and clicks (like dolphins) as tone indicators.
The tribe as a whole lost their ability to fly a long time ago, as their wings are too small and are better built for propelling them through the water. On land they move about like seals mixed with turtles. Their lower wings act like turtle flippers, well they prop themselves up with their front legs.

19.02.2023 01:59
LinkThe tribe's contact with featherwings is little to none; and, with scavengers, is scarce, as they don't often sail the waters near their home anymore. And most Sharkwings see it as too much trouble to sink ships nowadays. Sharkwings actually don't call them scavengers at all, as they don't ever steal treasure from them as it's all kept down in the water not on land, they call them landwalkers.

19.02.2023 02:03
LinkDeep Sea Sharkwings are heat and semi fire resistant as they live near the thermal vents at the bottom of the trench. Most will rarely ever go to the daylight zone in their lifetime, as they prefer the dark and the warmth of the thermal vents. But can tolerate, and survive in the cold waters for a few days.

19.02.2023 02:14
LinkProfessions vary widely in the tribe, as the higher achy is determined through strength. Guards is a very popular job, as well as hunting. Although not as heavily involved in fighting, building and architecture is very important to them as well. Things such as craftsmen and weapon smiting aren't nearly as popular, but are always respected as it aids the community.
Orchas often give these dragons trouble as they will often attempt to raid nesting grounds. Oddly enough do to this sharks are not as big as a problem.

19.02.2023 02:14
LinkSharkwings are an open fain tribe.