love eachother!
09.06.2021 09:01
fight me if you think im wrong , cause guess what , you think gay's hard to understand yet you follow someone who was born from a virgin mom , made water into wine. i dont understand that so gay is easier to understand than religion
09.06.2021 09:07
Linkwomen do deserve equal rights as men , and pockets! please stop telling us we belong in kithens , we've been marching for change since the 1820's. give us rights!
climate change is real.
stop raping , and dont say our clothes provoke you!
trans men/women are men/women! and whatever , technically the only reason we have gender is for reprouduction. so who gives a flip if someone changes , it doesnt matter , their just changing their role in reprouduction IF they even want kids or to do that.
genderfluid/non bianary (whatever you call it) is scientifically possible so yes , we are real :).
thanks for your time