German Shepherd
exeggutor is so majestic
happy birthday donita~
If u give Marble Cheesecake
15.03.2019 21:39
Linkeditor issues
yes, ik the editor is still in beta, but imma do this anyway
so here are some glitches/ issues i seem to get, i also got a few suggestions from my friend kira, some of these are more personal issues/ peeves
1- THE LAGG, when you have a few layers with more complex coloring and shading as well as many details on the canvas it tends to get very laggy, to the point were i have to make new frames just to color something = and makes it really hard to shade or color, really really hard.
2- when you copy and paste frames or layers, it pastes the areas you've erased and or gone over with another color with that one tool down onto the thing you're pasting it on.
3- when i use the eye dropper tool to select a color i like that i made by putting a transparent color onto it selects the transparent color and not the new color
4- Kira- " i glitch alot using it
when im trying to tween or something the frames weirdly zoom in and shit and like its weird
and when i draw a line or something it m o v es s
15.03.2019 21:39
Linkomewhere-" the wierd moving and gltiching
5- another color selecting issue, when i keep trying to select a color an it just doesn't do anything, like i sometimes go to diffrent layers so i can try selecting from there, half of the time it works wheni do that
6- when im zoomed it, it does this a lot for me, i try to draw and it draws where i would if i wern't zoomed in and i usually have to reload the pages, and sometimes my progress gets erased
7- it tends to sometimes like glitch when you make a new layer and try to draw on it where you end up drawing on the top layer even though you selected another layer
thats all i have rn
Comment removed
15.03.2019 21:40
Linkthe 3rd one happens to me
15.03.2019 23:01
Link6 is so annoying.