1 thing that haunts me
22.09.2020 00:42
Link1 thing that haunts me are these words
¨Your a failure¨
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22.09.2020 00:43
LinkHere is the story why
22.09.2020 00:43
LinkToday I had a Cross Country meet against my previous school and I refer my life to Naruto Uzumaki to not give up and I did not come in last this time
just some background about Cross Country and I
I suck at Cross country and I tried it 1 year it was ok and I was going to do Track and Field the same year until the pandemic and I asked this boy if he was doing Track and Field and he said
¨ya, are u¨
¨Yeah¨I replied
¨Why bother you are the slowest person ever we won´t need u ur just a failure!¨
From then on those words ¨Your just a failure¨ haunt me. I try so hard to prove to him that I am not a failure and today I was suprised because I had eaten right before the meet, I had gotten my period the day of the meet, and I havn´t gone to practice in a whole week and I got 33rd place out of 37. I usually am slower after I eat, abd when I do eat or have my period I am always last or second to last.
22.09.2020 00:45
Linkhere is the vid of Naruto Uzumaki that I relay my life on
Watch this and no matter how good or bad you are you dont give up and I never give up thats my Quote my life the reason I´m still here, because I DONT GIVE UP
watch this all the way through and maybe you´ll understand