
Joseph and Benjamin


nito nazuna

Lucas the Spider.. :3


McLaren P1
Wwyd (lmt smh)


06.11.2020 00:45
LinkYou pick a fight with bex and lf. You (and maybe other evil ocs) Attack lf. Lf dropped to the ground no longer breathing or moving. Bex drops her wepons and runs to tend to his side. Wwyd (evil oc)

Amy:*she started running towards bex but when she got shot in the foot she tripped up and fell right on her face*oof!!
Josh:OW!!*he held his now bleeding foot in his hand*
Akuma:*she isn't half human like josh and amy,so she was fast enough to move her foot out of the way,dodging the bullet*..hm....

Josh:!-......*he dropped his gun and fell back*....*that was the end of josh for now*
Akuma:*she sneered while sitting back,just watching the fight*...
Amy:*she charged at bex so fast you could hardly even see her*(like those anime thingies where it looks like they are teleporting but they are rlly just running very fast i think)

Akuma:hmmm...you seem worthy enough to become one of my "back uppers".the way you took out josh was just 👌.soo..*she lifted up bex's head a little*if you're willing to y,know..give up your soul to me...i'll revive you and bring back lf..but i gotta say..he won't look the same as he did before..but still.you will work for me like josh did.basically just follow behind me when i need to*ahem*"settle"things with people...and you even get to torture people you hate the mist..he**!kill them if you want to!..so..*a contract popped out of thin air*all you have to do is sign it...abd we have a deal..whaddya say bex?
Amy:*she whispered to bex*i highly suggest you sign it.she technically never lies on what she says..plus you get to live longer!=)

Valerie: *she huffed* That’d teach you not to mess with us..
Junior: *he stayed silent, looking down at the ground* ....
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*He looked at the direction she went for a few moments. Matthew returned to the room. Laying on his side of the bed he looked over at the other two. He was tired and stressed out about everything. He just wanted to keep everyone safe. Junior was trying to see his dangerous aunt, Val is now threatening to hurt them and know her she will..*
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*Grepurdori runs for it but the reject stops him*
"follow me gre...
*they go out of the room and down a hallway*
*gre starts to get woozy as a green fire surrounds him*
*gre falls*
*the reject picks him up it seems as if reject is not affected by the green fire*
*they keep going down the hall until they dissaper*
*they teleport to the closest forgotten world portal from where lf and bee are: about 50 miles*

*reject starts walking*
"how long is it" grepurdori asks
"50 miles about....
"their was no closer portal?"
"why didn't we take there's?!!?!?!"
"youll see...
*they walk about 20 miles before stopping at a shack, the door to the shack opens and out comes a creature with 4 mouths*
"needed help?" it said
*they keep on walking*
(( sorry its so long ))