Coming BACK with a contest B)
20.05.2020 02:22
LinkOK! So idk if you can tell but I am OBSESSED with the vapourware/chill wave aesthetic. So what you need to do is make a "vapourware scene" (if that makes any sense) with Mesh in it. Its as simple as that! (a little hint that will probably get you in the top 4 is if you add a gradient, flowers, and the sun thing like in this drawing) Good luck! (BTW sorry for any spelling errors lol)
- no 18+
- Has to be VaPoRwAvE
- Have fun (or not, up to you)
Winning prizes!!! :D
First place: 15 likes, fan art, shout out, a request
Second place: 10 likes, fan art, shout out
Third place: 7 likes, shout out
Fourth place: 5 likes, shout out
Due date:
1st of June (can be extended is needed)
20.05.2020 02:25
LinkBTW sorry if I deleted your comment, I just need this comment to be at the top
1. Boop :)
2. I understand drawing vaporwave is pretty hard but I think you can do it ;) BUT if you REALLY don't want to do a vaporwave thing you can do that, just keep in-mind it will PROBOBLY not be considered for 1st-4th place :/ but I guess if it is REALLY SUPER GOOD it will be considered.